Why Primal?

When debating different health approaches, why study unhealthy people with a list of ailments and prescriptions, when we could study and learn from people who have lived lives free from the diseases, cancers, syndromes and disorders that are the norm today? Just as you are more likely to get rich by learning from and copying what rich people do, you are more likely to get healthy by studying and emulating healthy people. There is much we can learn from our healthy ancestors, from the hunter-gatherers who lived millions of years ago, to the various disease-free cultures of only a few generations ago.

Aren’t we healthier today?

No, we are not healthier today. This is very debatable. The average life span of the developed world has increased, but statistics provide only a narrow view. We are living longer due to better sanitation, sewer systems, lower infant mortality, emergency medical procedures and better care of the elderly. However, we are sicker than ever before.

The deteriorating quality of our thoughts, air, water, food, movement, and sleep is responsible for the myriad of diseases we have today, many of which never existed before. They are not a ‘normal’ part of life or due to ‘genetic’ factors that we can’t control. This is effectively shown through the work of Dr. Weston A. Price.

Why Primal?

Primal definition [adj]

1. Being first in time; original; primeval.
2. Of first importance; primary.

Primal Holistic Health refers to both of these definitions. One, that we can become healthy again by looking at and learning from our original roots: the earth, primal humans, and tribal societies. Two, that we need to look first at the primary components of good health – The 6 Keys – and furthermore, our health should be of first importance in our lives. Money, material goods, success, fame, romance, and adventure are nothing without health. Health is truly our greatest wealth.

The Primal 6

Especially in the last two centuries, our lifestyles have been moving further and further away from how nature intended. The thoughts we have, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the way we move our bodies (or don’t!) and the sleep cycles we keep, are increasingly at odds with our natural biological needs. Our ‘Primal 6’ represent a hierarchy of needs the body has to stay alive. As each need is better met, a trickle-over effect is created in the body.

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1. Mindset

The actions of your mind – thoughts and emotions – have the biggest influence over your health.Our physical bodies are affected by:

– Positive and negative thinking
– Confusion on what is healthy
– Unresolved issues / emotions

2. Breath

Oxygen is not only required for survival, but for many functions within the body.Several things can affect our ability to breathe:

– Air pollution
– Poor posture
– Stomach fat and bloating
– Sucking in our stomachs

3. Water

80% of your body is water. We cannot survive without water for more than a few days.

Consider this when drinking water:

– Quality of water
– tap vs. filtered/bottled
– Dehydration signals/symptoms

4. Food

Humans are mammals designed to live off the land and other animals. The health of every cell in our body depends heavily on the food we eat. In today’s world, we must consider:

– One man’s food is another man’s poison
– Where our food comes from
– How much our food has been altered from its natural state

5. Movement

Every movement we make maintains muscle tone, strength, and bone mineral density, and aids in pumping fluids throughout the body. It’s important to know:

– The difference between working-out and working-in
– The best movement for YOUR body

Sleep / Rest
6. Sleep

Sleep triggers the activation of anabolic hormones that help our bodies grow, repair and digest.
As this is such an important time, we must pay attention to:

– Our circadian rhythms (in tune with sunrise and sunset)
– Quantity and quality of sleep


We listen to healthy health professionals, who study healthy groups of people.

Here are some of the people from whose work we base our health philosophies:

Dr. Weston A Price

Weston A. Price, (1870-1948) was a dentist and nutritionist who traveled the world for over 10 years in the 1930’s, studying 14 diverse ethnic cultures. He saw a wide range of diets across the world, and immediate deterioration of health when communities moved away from their traditional diets.

Dr. Francis M. Pottenger

In his experiments in cat feeding, more than 900 cats were studied over 10 years. Dr. Pottenger found that replacing the cats’ naturally raw diet with cooked meat or heat processed (pasteurised) milk resulted in osteoporosis, teeth deformities, parasites, disease and eventually infertility.

Paul Chek, Holistic Health Practitioner

Paul is a holistic health practitioner, and the founder of the C.H.E.K (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology) Institute, which runs holistic health coaching courses and certifications. For decades, Paul’s methods have successfully coached clients toward complete resolution of their health and performance challenges, where traditional approaches have consistently failed.

Sir Robert McCarrison M. D.

Dr. McCarrison spent 7 years living with the legendary Hunza tribe of Northern India, a group of mountain people who lived to an average age of 120 and rarely got sick. McCarrison proved their longevity was due to the food they ate and how it was grown.