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Gymnastic Rings

1/ Gymnastic Rings and Door Anchor Kit

An essential home exercise kit for such a huge variety of exercises. In particular for upper body pulling exercises, that are often forgotten by the at home exercise enthusiasts that only work the ‘mirror muscles’ (ie chest, abs and biceps). This set combines the rings with adjustable straps, extra handles, foot straps and a door anchor! Great combination.

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Amazon Australia
Amazon USA


AOK Swiss Ball / MAX Ball

2/ Swiss Ball / Stability Ball

Core stabilisation using exercise balls, fitballs, therapy balls, gym balls has been promoted by physiotherapists and exercise therapists for many years. It is ideal for seating, exercise, rehabilitation and can be used with other pieces of equipment to gain a more challenging workout. They also improve your posture, reduce back pain and brighten up your office /classroom when used as a chair.

What size should you get?: View ball size chart

55cm = 22 inches
65cm = 26 inches
75cm = 30 inches

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Amazon Australia
Amazon USA

Adjustable Dumbbells

3/ Dumbbells

For the majority of people wanting outdoor and home training, these are essential. Adjustable dumbbells that range from light to heavy. A fantastic way to save space and still have weight!

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Amazon Australia
Amazon USA

Foam Roller

4/ Foam Roller

An essential tool to have at home, work and the gym. Great for massaging by rolling different muscles over it. Even better for mobilising spines by lying on the rollers in different positions for extended periods of time.

Sizes we recommend:

Long Thick Foam Roller
90 x 15 cm / 35 x 6 inches

Long Thin Foam Roller
90 x 10 cm / 35 x 4 inches

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Folding Exercise Mat

5/ Exercise Mat

Mats are designed to absorb impact and pressure, but resist water and dirt. They will vary in thickness and density and you will find one suitable for all types of exercise, rehabilitation, yoga, Pilates and general gym work. Check out the different options to find one right for you. I use mats a lot for supine and prone core work and exercises like Dumbbell Chest Presses with rotation.

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Amazon Australia
Amazon USA

Heavy Duty Exercise Bands

6/ Resistance Power Bands

These are used in the Primal Lair each and every day for assisted bodyweight lifts like pullups, as well as for joint mobilisations of the hip and shoulder. Can’t recommend investing in a pack of these enough!

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Skipping Rope

7/ Skipping Rope

The simplest and cheapest form of cardiovascular conditioning… after walking or running! I love skipping ropes for increasing a clients overall body awareness and co-ordination and to use as a form of movement that is less taxing on the knees than running. An easy thing to put in your suitcase when traveling too!

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Amazon Australia
Amazon USA

Resistance Tubing

8/ Resistance Tubing With Handles

I think tubing is very handy to provide resistance outdoors, at home and when traveling. I get people using it primarily for upper body pushing and pulling movements as well as twisting or woodchop movements. They allow you to work in all three planes of motion quite easily and can be connected to doors with an anchor or wrapped around tree branches or poles too. I’d recommend always getting the heaviest strongest options that are on offer as it’s easy to change the intensity of the exercise by moving the position of your feet rather than changing to a different tube.

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BOSU stands for ‘Both Sides Up’. The BOSU is like an Exercise Ball that has been cut in half with a stable side and an unstable side. It’s very versatile. You can stand, squat, sit, lie on, do pushups on or use it just like you would a step. Your body is constantly shifting and contracting to stay aligned enhancing coordination and balance. I use it a lot in rehab situations to strengthen individual legs as you can see in the photo here, as well as for surfers who I train in Sydney. Virtually any exercise you can perform on the ground can be performed on the BOSU.

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AOK Cyclone Ball / Tornado Ball

Cyclone / Tornado / Converta Ball

Our favourite piece of power equipment. Very therapeutic when you’re stressed! A strong medicine-ball with a thick rope running through its core that extends into a handle for the user. These things provide a tough workout in increments of 15-20 seconds. Great for rotation, power and core stability training. Depending on who you buy them from, the weights range from 1-7kg. I use between 1-3kg with clients most of the time. You can use them standing against a wall or lying on the ground on your back.

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Amazon USA


Cast Iron Kettlebells

Kettlebells allow plenty of functional mobility to develop total body strength, power, and endurance. Kettlebells work the body across a wide range of angles and place a lot of demand on core stabilisation, agility, and proprioception. You can use them for squats, throws, rotational swings and olympic movements like cleans, jerks, snatches. Not for the beginner but there are plenty of weights available from which you can progress. We prefer the professional ones for the handle shape and higher quality workmanship, preventing things like rust.

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Amazon USA

Total Trainer

Total Trainer

The Infiniti Total Trainer is a complete home gym equipment all in one system. It arrives fully assembled and folds for easy storage. We use this at Primal mainly for Phase 1 movements which are rehabilitative movements done at a horizontal level removing the effects of gravity and force on the spine. Brad specifically used this to help rehab his knee after shredding it to pieces in a mountain bike accident.

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Total Trainer Australia
Use ‘Primal50’ at checkout and get yourself $50 off.
Amazon USA (Total Trainer Brand)

Roo Grips

Roo Grips – Crossfit Handgrips for Bar and Rings Work

RooGrips act like a flexible second layer of protective skin—preventing cuts and abrasions to the hands and palms during high intensity weight training. From pull-ups and muscle-ups to deadlifts and kettlebell swings, these comfortable 2-hole Kangaroo Leather hand grips offer the unique combination of a light, slim-cut design with next-level strength and durability. Protected hands = less recovery time = more time in the gym getting stronger and fitter.

Kangaroo Leather, aka K-Leather, is widely trusted in the sporting goods industry as the premier choice for a high performance technical leather. RooGrips’ design not only contours naturally to your hand (with three sizes to choose from), but also includes an adjustable hook-and-loop wrist closure for a secure fit and extra support.

Buy from:
Roo Grip Website
Use ‘RGBRAD15’ at checkout and get yourself a 15% discount!

Peanut Massage Roller

Peanut Massage Roller

Fantastic for self massage myofascial release and great for travel to replace the foam roller for thoracic mobilisations. Inspired by the double lacrosse massage ball, it’s suitable for all over your body, such as cervical spine, thoracic spine, glutes, back, neck, psoas, quad, glute, hip and feet.

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Amazon Australia
Amazon USA


Zazen Water Filter

Zazen Water Filters

The zazen Alkaline Water System replicates Mother Nature’s water cycle by transforming your drinking water with our 10 Stage State-of-the-Art filtration process into refreshing, alkaline mineral water that hydrates you immediately at a cellular level!

Brad has been using the original version created by Nikken, for over 20 years! So he certainly vouches for these filters.

Learn More

Visit the FREE Tribal News module within our Primal 6 app to watch a detailed 28min interview with Homeopath and Zazen employee, Fiona Provan. Create account and download app here:

Note: Only available in Australia.

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Use ‘PRIMAL6’ at checkout and get yourself a 10% discount!


Remember, nothing beats a Primal diet & lifestyle!
Support your local farmers markets and organic stores.
Don’t use supplements as a cheat mechanism to ignore your primal needs. Use it in conjunction!

Pruvit Keto OS Nat

Ketones > Glucose. Ketosis. Ketones. Every heard of any of this? Well you have now, and you will continue to every day I guarantee. Ketosis, the state in which our body uses fat as it’s main energy source instead of sugar, has been studied for over 100 years and was initially used to treat people with epilepsy. When you eat a strict high fat, moderate protein, low sugar diet or starve yourself, your liver will produce ketones. An energy source that puts you in ketosis, where your body then utilises fat as your most dominant fuel source. Now, since Dr. Dominic D’Agostino from the University of Florida created the patent to make ketones in a drinkable form, the world has change. Now you can get the benefits of ketones without the super strict diet or fasting. It’s truly amazing what it’s doing to my family, my clients and thousands of people around the world.

Learn More
Read my last blog entitled:
5 Months of Ketosis – Using Keto OS by Pruvit

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Metabolic Typing - William Wollcott

The Metabolic Typing Diet

There is no one diet, or way of eating, that works for everyone. This book will explain which diet is best for you and why. Fill out the comprehensive questionnaire to determine your metabolic type, then learn which foods are most beneficial for your type and the worst for your type.

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Amazon Australia
Amazon USA

How to Eat Move and Be Healthy

How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy

Paul Chek is taking the health, fitness and nutrition industries by storm. He is creating a world movement that produces the most highly qualified health practitioners in the world. In this book, Chek breaks down all the most important principles of holistic health.

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CHEK Institute
Amazon Australia
Amazon USA

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration - Weston Price

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

Over 10 years, Dr. Weston A. Price studied the health, dietary habits, and chemical composition of the food of dozens of traditional peoples of various racial backgrounds. Here he shows the proof that ‘white man food’ in the form of flour, sugar, table salt and pasteurised dairy is seriously affecting our health.

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Baby Led Weaning

Baby Led Weaning

Contrary to popular belief, there is no research that supports the current mainstream view that babies should be weaned by being spoon-fed purees. Self-feeding allows babies to use their natural abilities to explore taste, texture, color and smell. It encourages independence and confidence by allowing them to experiment with foods at their own pace and helps to develop hand-eye coordination and chewing.

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The Secret Life of Water

The Secret Life of Water

Work by Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher who has proven that there is an undeniable link between water quality and your health. Emoto’s amazing photos also show how positive and negative thoughts can affect the quality of water.

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The Fungus Link

The Fungus Link

This is very easy to read and highly recommended, as fungus may be responsible for a multitude of your health problems. If you have scored high on the Fungus and Parasites section of the Nutrition and Lifestyle questionnaire from ‘How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy’, then you really need to read this book.

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Healing Fungus and Parasite Infections - Paul Chek
Healing Fungal and Parasite Infections

This DVD program describes Paul Chek’s holistic and comprehensive approach to overcoming problems caused by fungal and parasite infections. Are you plagued by strange symptoms, unexplained fatigue, skin irritations and food cravings? You may well have a parasite or fungal infection! Paul will show you how you can heal yourself from such issues using his “from the ground up” approach, creating health, wellness and vitality.

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CHEK Institute

The Last Four Doctors You'll Ever Need - Paul Chek
The Last 4 Doctors You’ll Ever Need

World Renowned Holistic Health Practitioner and Exercise Specialist Paul Chek, exposes myths and shatters long-held belief about your health and well-being in this interactive E-book. Once again, Paul Chek makes the complex seem so easy to understand.

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CHEK Institute

You are what you eat – Audio

Don’t make time for reading?. If you want to learn about nutrition and lifestyle from the best of the best, this purchase is highly recommended. Eight CDs by world- renowned holistic health practitioner, Paul Chek.

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CHEK Institute

Nourishing Traditions

Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition

Sally Fallon unites the wisdom of our ancestors with the latest independent and accurate scientific research for a guide to wise food choices and proper preparation techniques. Your body needs animal fats and cholesterol! Over 700 delicious recipes.

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Amazon Australia
Amazon USA

Iced! - Gary Reinl

Iced! – The Illusionary Treatment Option

ICED! is the must-read book of the year for athletes, coaches, trainers, doctors, therapists, and even those who just have soccer-playing or knee-bumping kids. Far from a dull physiological text, it reads like an epic journey about the biggest and most flagrant medical misconception of modern times.

Gary Reinl brings America in from the cold and tells the unexpectedly entertaining story of how the world’s cold-hearted love affair with ice began, why it is based on nothing more than the largest instance of “physiological hearsay” in human history, the folly of the ice gurus’ gospel, and how he helped usher in the end of the “ice age” in professional athletics.

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Amazon Australia
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