Life Coaching and NLP


Filipa Ottley

Sydney client.

Brad has imparted so much knowledge, and provided so much encouragement to enable me to set and achieve my goals. His approach has been tailored to my specific needs and personality and with Brad’s encouragement I’ve secured a new job, improved my health, and I’m now setting up my own small business. And all this via video calls in the comfort of my own home! I definitely recommend Brad as a great coach toward achieving any type of life or health goals.”

Kate Richmond

New Zealand client.

“I have known Brad Rasmus for over 20 years now and have always admired and respected his work as a health practitioner and entrepreneur. I was looking for assistance in starting my own health coaching business when I moved to NZ. I was going through a difficult time after relocating overseas and the sudden death of my father and I really wanted help and motivation to pursue my passion at this time. Brad incorporated NLP into our Life Coaching sessions which I was keen to learn more about. One of the activities he did with me was a ‘Goal drop’ where you imagine, see it, feel it, smell – every part of your end goal as if it has all ready happened. I didn’t think much of this programming session until after I had my third baby. One day out of the blue I had two people approach me to health coach them. Before I knew it I had 4 clients that I was seeing and helping to achieve their specific health goals. Working with Brad helped me to achieve my goals even when I wasn’t actively pursuing them myself.”

Dale Wright

Western Australia client.

“I utilised Brads services this year for his  Life Coaching and NLP services. I work away and was struggling the constant change in lives, been away, readjusting coming home readjusting. It was starting to take its toll on my own emotional health, my relationship with my wife and those around me. Brad gave me the tools to understand the way I was thinking, the words I was telling myself and help uncover old belief systems I had and work towards a positive way of framing things and learning to understand emotions, how they influence me and how to not let an emotion get the better of me , affect my day or week. I thoroughly recommend his services if there is any area of your life that you feel needs attention, improvement or just someone to put things into perspective. Thanks Brad!”


Josh Bollen

Sydney client.

“I’ve worked with and known Brad for a large portion of my life, through his understanding of the human body and it’s functions I learnt how to look after my self and build the lifestyle I desire. Brads Life Coaching helped me to achieve goals as reach a mental state I did not believe possible for me, without Brad I would not be the man I am today.”


Anonymous - 1st Session

Sunshine Coast client.

“Brad, thank you so much for making me feel so happy, light and at peace. After our first session together doing the NLP Time Line Therapy, I slept pretty well, and had very vivid dreams but woke up feeling really refreshed- which NEVER happens!!! Not sure if I should share this but I’ve had really great luck with the toilet situation! Two of them today! haha – Which is unheard of for me so I’m really pleased about that.
I did as you said on the car ride home and screamed out! I was feeling incredible and so so happy that it was like a celebration scream!!!! Overall since then, my sleep has been better and my tummy has been like a new tummy so I’m over the moon about that!!! Thank you!”


Break Through Your BS! - Group Life Coaching

Worldwide client testimonials

“It was an AWESOME first session! 🔥🔥

“This is eye opening!”

“Enjoying your health coaching so much. Reminded me.. small changes can have big impact.. Counting my chews,mindful of my dairy intake and water…..and my number 2’s.”

“Brad is an awesome coach !”

“Success with Sleep! I’m working hard on my sleep regime and last night finally slept on to 5 am uninterrupted…after months of not…..”




A Life Coach encourages and counsels clients on a range of professional and personal issues. Life Coaching is distinct from giving advice, consulting, counselling, mentoring and administering therapy. You would hire a coach to help you with specific professional projects, personal goals and transitions. In Brad’s case, he is certified as an RCT Coach (Rapid Change Technologies) integrates Life Coaching and certain NLP interventions into one, with the purpose of aligning all your internal and external resources towards a particular goal or outcome, enabling you to tap into your full potential. The Wheel of Life as shown, is a great starting point, to test and acknowledge where improvements are being made and help people identify where their challenges are.


Wheel of Life


‘Neuro’ = neurology (your central nervous system); ‘Linguistic’ means language. ‘Programming’ means ‘patterns’ we run both consciously and unconsciously.

NLP was created in the 1970s in California USA, founded by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. Setting out to ‘model excellence’ they learned how some the best communicators in the world got their results, and packaged what they learned as ‘NLP’ – a set of models that will transform your world.

Many people find learning NLP enables them to communicate more effectively in all situations, with applications areas include coaching, therapy, human resources, and improving many areas of your life.

I use NLP techniques/ interventions within all my coaching, but specifically within Life Coaching sessions and sessions solely dedicated to using NLP Interventions to evolve a person’s mindset.


  • 1 on 1
    – 13-15 week program OR
    – Single unstructured sessions
    Focussing on whatever the current challenge is, and using interventions to help ‘loosen the grip’ on belief systems not serving you!
  • Primal Breakthrough and Primal Mind: As described below.
NLP Definition


A 4-8 hour private NLP Breakthrough super session working on your biggest mindset challenges!


Primal Breakthrough


An ONLINE 8-week group life coaching course designed to help you ‘breakthrough your BS’ (belief systems) holding you back from life!  90 minute sessions. Available through our online Primal 6 Phone App.


Primal Mind