Colon Cleansing Q & A During a Colonic Session

Colon Cleansing Q & A During a Colonic Session

by | Sep 17, 2013 | Constipation and Poop, Detoxifcation, Emotional Health, Family Health, Lifestyle, Lifestyle Videos | 0 comments

Note: This is a loose transcription of the video ‘Colon Cleansing – Colonics, Enemas, Laxatives’.

Brad: Hello Primal People, it’s Brad from Primal Health here.  Today, this video should enlighten you, literally, with regards to information about Colon Hydrotherapy. I’m here today at North Side Colon Hydrotherapy with Janice Osmond, super Colon Hydrotherapist, and a lady that I’ve been referring clients to for several years and coming to myself, for several reasons. But also, just to give you a bit of information, Janice is a former nurse and she basically became a devout Colon Hydrotherapist after it dramatically changed her life.

Colon Cleansing – Colonics, Enemas, Laxatives

Basically, as we know it’s pretty impossible to live Primal 100% of the time. You just can’t do it, and even if you have been doing it for several years, there’s plenty of other years where you haven’t been eating and doing all things that we’ve been teaching you.

So, we look at having a Colon Hydrotherapy session as being like cleaning your teeth. Because essentially the plaque that builds up on your teeth is essentially a window of what’s going on with your digestive system. And the large intestine is the area that’s being cleaned out here with a session with someone like Janice. So, there are plenty of people that I see that have a heap of problems with regards to things to like fungus and parasites and a lot of lower back and hip problems. A lot of that stems from what’s going on in the gut because the muscles that surround the digestive system actually tend to be a mirror of what’s going on underneath it.

So, this is a pretty important thing that a lot of you can do to dramatically improve your health and Janice is going to be the one to give you a whole heap of information about it. So, what we are going to do now…I am going to the toilet and you know, to get myself all ready to go. You don’t have to follow me in there, but then we’ll get back on the table and we’re going to get Janice to start answering some questions.

Okay, so I’ve just been into the toilet and I’m going to give you a full run down of how this all works. I’ve got undressed from the waist down. I’ve got this little towel here and it’s open to the back. Don’t worry you’re not going to see everything but you’re going to see a little bit of poo and that’s the whole point of this whole thing. So essentially, what do I now do, Janice?

Janice: You lie down on here on your back.

Janice: And then lie on your side, face the window and bring your knees up really high. Bring your knees up, touch my hand, perfect.

Brad:  This isn’t the best part. Tell the guys what you actually do.

Janice: They are all sterilised units. They are all one-off, then thrown away. So then what we do now, is just put some lubricant on there. Everything is sterilised.

Brad: So, what’s that particular thing called there?

Janice: This is the speculum, which only goes in that far. This helps me to glide it in. Now what you do is get your knees up as high as you can and take some big deep breaths. Rest your head down, so that your body is relaxed. Big deep breaths. The more big breaths you take the better.

Brad: I’ve had this done many times, but this still feels really quite bizarre.

Janice: So now I’m going to do what is called the release. So what that does is it helps to bring down all the gas that lies around the sigmoid colon. So, it helps to give a better feel and if there’s any cramping, often it’s just to do with the gas.

Brad: Yup, gotcha.

Janice: So, we take that down for a minute or two.

Brad: So would you say that most people tend to have a lot of gas and a lot of build-up around that sigmoid colon because so many people, especially us westerners, don’t get into a full squat when we do a number 2?

Janice: And we eat too fast.

Brad: And we eat too fast, and not chew our food. Yeah, exactly. Alright, guys we’re into it now. Janice, what are you doing with your hands then?

Janice: Well, I’m just trying to loosen off the rubbish and just trying see where there is some really some hard spots in the bowel that I might need to concentrate on more. I’m helping the water to come around so I’m massaging it up the opposite way.

Brad: Okay, so which direction does the water usually tend to go, for people that don’t know about the large intestine. Where’s the water going to come up first? Up this side there?

Janice: Yeah, yes, going up the left and then go across. So I’m doing that the way the water is going out and helping to move it around, and helping to loosen up the bowel in any hard spots where the water can’t get through. Actually, the water is pushing its way through at the moment. It’s not going through all that easy. It’s just struggling at the moment to go through, and that can be because there’s some hard matter or there’s some big pockets of gas.

Brad: Yeah, we’re not perfect guys, my gut’s not perfect either. So, that’s why I’m here. Now, actually I have a list of questions to ask because lying in this position here really isn’t the best place to remember my lines and all of that sort of stuff. So here’s some of the key things that we always hear people ask about colonics.

Colonics FAQ

Brad: How does Colonic Hydrotherapy detoxify?

Janice: Well, what we’re doing; the water is going in and softening the rubbish and so we’re helping to draw it out. So we’re helping to draw out the old rubbish that’s been there for a long time and all the toxins there.

Brad: So, the mucosal plaque lining the gut wall; all that sort of rubbish.

Brad: So does it hurt? I’m the one that’s in the position at the moment so, well it can hurt, especially on your first time, based on how blocked up you are and how much stuff you got going on with your digestive system. The last time I came in here was the first time I’ve had one in a couple of years, as I’ve been a bit lazy and yeah it was a bit uncomfortable but it’s worth going through that pain. Just like you go to the gym and have a workout– feel a little bit of pain; a little bit of pain for a little bit of gain.

Brad: Is it hygienic and will I leak or make a mess?

Janice: Most cases, no. But there are cases that, if the bowel’s really full and the bowel is just not well, then yes we can get some leakage. Not often, very very few times. But if it does happen, it’s no problem. That’s ok.

Brad: Yeah, gotcha. And as far as being hygienic here is concerned, tell us more about the water that you’re using.

Janice: It goes through three filters and a fluoro light that kills any bugs as well.

Brad: So it eliminates chlorine. Does it get rid of fluoride ?

Janice: Yes, yes, yes.

Brad: It does as well, that’s good to know.

Janice: The water is completely and utterly pure.

Brad: How are colonics different from an enema?

Janice: Well, an enema is where you can only clean the sigmoid colon, but not a lot more. Where with colonics we have the chance of cleaning really the whole large bowel.

Brad:  Gotcha, it’s just the first part (of the bowel); the descending colon.

Janice: That’s still good to use (enemas), like in between colonics, but they are in no way going to all the work of bringing down all the mucous and all the rubbish.

Brad: How does someone know if they need a colonic or what are the common reasons for having a colonic?

Janice: Generally people feel tired, fatigued, migraines, skin irritations like Cirrhosis, pimples. Anxiety and depression is virtually so high of having a toxic bowel.

Brad: Why not just take laxatives? How is it better than taking laxatives?

Janice: Well, laxatives are generally, on the whole a poison. And what they do, they go into the bowel and they irritate the bowel that much that the bowel has to get rid of it. And it generally only just cleans out the last little bit, maybe even just a little bit more than the sigmoid colon. So it will just blurt about, and that’s the poison. The body has to get rid of it. It’s like when you’ve got diarrhea; the body has to get rid of the poison.

Brad: Won’t it flush out the good bacteria, too? One of the biggest questions I always get.

Janice: Most common question asked. No, it doesn’t. Most of the good bacteria is kept in the small bowel and we only clean out the large (bowel). But we live in a fairly toxic world, and so we should take the good bacteria any way. Colonics do not get rid of any good bacteria.

Brad: As we were talking about before, but most people never make the association with it…is that it’s very common that most of you all have had, or will be taking some sort of antibiotic and/or you’re drinking tap water with chlorine in it and they’re two main things that kill bacteria, whether it’s good or bad. So, essentially most people are always doing it (killing good bacteria) without even knowing it. This is just basically trying to give you a fresh clean start for your whole gut. Whether it gets rid of any sort of good bacteria in your large intestine or not. As Janice said, most of it is all in the small intestine anyway.

Last question, we’ve got here: Can the colon become dependent on it and stop functioning on its own?

Janice: No, it actually stimulates the peristalsis. So, you can have them one a week,  for six months or something and your peristalsis is only going to kick in better. When you go to the toilet normally, you will pass more because the peristalsis has made that bowel work and bring everything down. So, no.

Brad: As you can see guys, I’ve been here for a while now and I haven’t been like, you know dying in pain or anything like that. All I’m basically feeling is like, my stomach feels like it’s just bloating up. And then every now and then it feels like, “you know what, I’m going to do a number two now”, and she can feel it with her hands through the massage, and she turns the machine off and it evacuates the stuff out. You can see that in a sec, if you want, in the machine.

Basically she just continues to do that: on, off, on, off, on, off until she feels the water is going up around my descending colon and across the transverse colon and then along the ascending one. So, it’s like this horseshoe shape that the large intestine takes. So, yeah it’s like she said, the first couple can be pretty uncomfortable for people that really really need it, but in general it’s pretty good.

Brad: Yes, when you’re looking at that what can you tell from the actual fecal matter that comes out?

Janice: We can tell if your body is dehydrated, if the rubbish that comes out is hydrated enough; it’s not hard. Also we can tell if there’s candida there. Also, we can tell if your digestive system’s working. A lot of people have a lot of undigested food.

Brad: So how often is safe enough to do this safely? Like three times a day, three times a week, or once every month?

Janice: When you start off, it’s probably a good idea to do two or three in the first couple of weeks.

Brad: Okay.

Janice: Because, we’re already working the rubbish. We’re already trying to get it down, then you can do monthly. Maintenance is really important.

Brad: So, this is a closed system, Janice.

Janice: Yeah, this is a closed system. In meaning that, the water is all enclosed in tubes. Water is going in here gently on a fill and the rubbish is coming out in the tubes. And the other system is the open system where there’s an opening underneath where you lie there and hold, and then you push, so you’re just pushing it out into like a bucket thing underneath the table.

Brad: A bucket or like a bath, or something like that. You can actually see it all and smell it all and…

Janice: You don’t actually see it all, because it’s underneath your bed. It’s a bucket just at your bottom, sort of thing and then you’re just trying to push it out.

Brad: Check that guys, ask for a closed system or find a person that uses a closed system.

Brad: Alright guys, so after 45 minutes, I’m all done. I’m going to go to the toilet, just to get rid of the extras in there (my bowel), and get changed, then voila, I’m all clean. So, I hope this sort of helps you make a more educated decision in whether or not you will go in and do this yourself but we really recommend them. Thank you very much, Janice.

Janice: That went well.

Brad:  Can’t say it was like- you know, amazing to do this or anything like that, but yeah it feels awesome after every time you do it. So, it’s good.

Janice: People feel lighter and they say their head feels clearer. You can be a little bit tired on the night, on that evening and that’s not a bad thing — that’s good. That’s just the body rejuvenating from the toxins.

Brad: Cool, alright thank you very much. See you later!

What are your experiences or concerns with colonics?

Colon Cleansing Q & A During a Colonic Session – February 2015

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