Looking For A…

CHEK Practitioner
Personal Trainer
Life Coach?

Contact Us If You…

  • Are searching for professionals with a holistic approach
  • Have challenging, confusing health issues
  • Need motivation, education or inspiration!
  • Have chronic pain in multiple places
  • Suffer regular sickness or fatigue
  • Want to train specifically for your sport or daily activity
  • Need Life Coaching using NLP techniques
  • Are confused about what a healthy diet entails
  • Want to push and discover your body’s physical limits
  • Want to improve your physical, mental & nutritional health!

About Us

  • We have a multidisciplinary holistic approach
  • We integrate different aspects of eastern & western health principles
  • We work face to face with people – Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Aus
  • We work online using video sessions with clients worldwide!
  • Our sessions will depend on your goals, needs, commitment, location and overall interest in mind, body and nutritional health
    Are you wanting to work on your Physical body, Mindset or both?
About Me - Brad Rasmus

Client Testimonials

Tom Carroll

Sydney client.
2 x Surfing World Champ.

“After making first contact with Brad I asked to work on specific exercises to support my chronic deterioration in my right knee which was influencing a growing imbalance throughout my body. He immediately saw my needs and drove a solid program of controlled challenge and recovery which informed me from diet all the way to fresh ideas of how important body movement is for healthy ageing”

Amy Sanderson

Sydney client.

“Brad has been a great inspiration to me. I did not start seeing him to lose weight / bodyfat, it was to gain fitness & improve my quality of life. I suffered from severe back pain, knee pain & neck pain. I can now run over 6km in 30 minutes & have increased my strength to do some amazing acrobatic moves! My overall health has improved, i don’t suffer from pain like i once did and i am now more aware of what to eat to obtain the results i want. Thanks Brad, you have changed my life!”

Scott Bovis

Sydney client.

“I was introduced to Brad after seeking out a Personal Trainer that focused on functional movement, specifically a CHEK Practitioner having become aware of this holistic approach to training and overall wellbeing. This eventuated into an 8 year journey with Brad. Brad has a natural ability to connect with his clients and their individual circumstances adopting a variety of tools and techniques to meet their goals and improve ones wellbeing.”

Trevor Richards

Sydney client.

“I knew I had to change my whole way of eating and training, and you helped me see it from a different point of view. I had to let go of old beliefs that were not serving me; this mind transformation at 51 years certainly helped the body transformation. In your words, if something is not working, try something else. It starts with courage. Thanks again Brad for helping me to LIVE”

Tom Boulton

Sunshine Coast client.

“I was recommended to Brad by a friend and I found him very professional and knowledgeable. I have had knee, ankle and back pain due to sporting injuries for over 4 years. After seeing many physiotherapists and other medical professionals, I was told surgery was the only option to fix my injuries. I reached out to Brad and he put together a program to aid in my recovery. After a short period of only 2-3 months my pain greatly reduced and I am now completely pain free and never felt better.I would highly recommend  Brad, he changed my life. Thanks mate”

Filipa Ottley

Sydney client.

Brad has imparted so much knowledge, and provided so much encouragement to enable me to set and achieve my goals. His approach has been tailored to my specific needs and personality and with Brad’s encouragement I’ve secured a new job, improved my health, and I’m now setting up my own small business. And all this via video calls in the comfort of my own home! I definitely recommend Brad as a great coach toward achieving any type of life or health goals.

Dara Kretschmer

Sydney client 2006-2018.

“I have been training with Brad since 2006. He has worked with my entire family through the years. Brad is incredibly knowledgeable about fitness, physiology and nutrition. He also really loves what he does and truly cares about his clients’ health and all over well-being. Working with the 5 members of my immediate family (myself, my husband and my three children)- and even with my 80+ year old parents when they have visited. I have no hesitation at all recommending him to anyone who is looking for a personal trainer.”

Susan Nadjarian

Sydney client.

“How did I do it? Well I finally said enough is enough. I was sick of constantly saying ‘I’m gonna do it Finally I broke through the barrier of self doubt, and half-hearted attempts at making a change. It wasn’t easy, but now I fully understand that optimal health is a whole package deal. I now have more insight into how much a role my thoughts and emotions played in my ability to change my body and health.”

Stacey Gavrily

Sydney client.

“Where do I start? It has been a unbelievable last 41 days! I have gone from struggling in the past to now, to where I am only 5 weeks away from concluding 12 weeks of coaching (first of 3). I am seeing the results of my planning, hard work, commitment, sweat, hard work etc. When I had my session with Brad the other day, my results were unbelievable!”

Chris Winchester

Sydney client.

“Brad’s training approach and techniques are truly backed by his experience and knowledge. When I started training with Brad, I was going in with old injuries and new injuries. I needed someone that was going to respect those and actually have some knowledge of how to move forward in strengthening and stabilizing without causing further injury. Brad did exactly that, whilst also looking at the complete picture of mental health, diet, and lifestyle.”

Quinton Lloyd

Sydney client.

“In 2014 I was struggling with a somewhat debilitating back injury which affected my ability to surf, exercise and on the bad days tie up the shoe laces. Brad was a great communicator and thorough in his assessment of a broad spectrum of physiological aspects, arriving at a plan which was specific to my needs and provided immediate results.”

Todd Stembridge

Physiotherapist – Sydney

“Working with Brad has been a pleasure. He is very organised, personable and knowledgeable. From a person in my profession it is great to see such a thorough, well documented and illustrated assessment. It enables precise identification for individual program development. If you are really serious about making a positive change in your life then Brad’s holistic approach to health is what you need.”

Tim Keeley

Physiotherapist – Sydney

“Brad has helped me change my life around. He has taking time and care to assess my problems and systematically, finding the solutions for my pain and posture issues, as well as giving me lifeline tools to help manage my stress and improve my outlook on my personal life and my business. I am now working on the body more and prioritising my health into my day. I have not met a more friendly and quality lifestyle coach such as Brad.

Martin Standring

Owner of Soul Tiger Hot Yoga – Sydney

“I had a 12 hour drive from Sydney all the way up to Coolum Beach to visit Brad. My back was absolutely in spasms prior. I couldn’t pick anything up or do anything. I was in so much discomfort. The first morning I was there, Brad gave me a 2 hour workout and his expertise and knowledge and helped me in two hours drive to Noosa and have a 3 hour surfing session with no pain! I can’t thank Brad enough. He’s absolutely amazing. Thank you Brad. I hope I don’t have to drive 12 hours to see you next time!”

Koby Bunting

Sydney client.

“My name is Koby. Im 15 years old. I’ve been Personal Training with Brad since March this year (2018). It’s been good! I’ve never done anything like this before. I’ve enjoyed it. I’ve improved with my skating and helped me with my bodyboarding and yeah, I recommend it! I’ve really enjoyed doing the sessions and the different exercises throughout the year. Cheers!”

Debra Waghorn

Sydney client.

“Since I have been seeing Brad, my knees are so much better (osteoarthritis). I can now do movement I haven’t been able to do for a loooong time. I can now go on the stepper, x-trainer, bike, swim and am doing lots of challenging weights. I used to have a hard time getting up from my lounge or chair, now I have no problems. I can feel a big difference in myself… and I also feel a lot happier with myself too which is fantastic!”

John Wilson

Sydney client 2006-2018.

“As a result of a lifetime of contact sports, I collected my share of injuries; knee reconstructions, dislocated shoulders and a ‘spondie’ (spodylolithesis) in the lumbar spine. Pain was part of my life, in the lower back, knee and shoulder. Some days I ate pain killers for breakfast, lunch and dinner!”

At the suggestion of my wife (god love her)! I contacted Brad. What impressed me about Brad was his commitment to understand my circumstances and objectives before letting me undertake a training regime with him. At the risk of sounding like some TV infomercial, it changed my life! The most significantly in my view, my overall health has improved significantly. For example, in the past I was a frequent sinus sufferer and was prone to flu’s and colds. Not anymore!”

Cameron Uys

Sunshine Coast client 2021

“After 3 years of dealing with shoulder impingements and seeing a number of physios with no luck, I was referred to Brad through a friend.

His holistic approach acknowledged that to begin the journey of rehabilitating my shoulders, I first had to adopt a range of nutritional and lifestyle improvements to improve my physical and mental health so that I could reduce inflammation to allow for rehab exercises to be effective. After 6 months of sessions every 3 or so weeks I have been gone from not being able to put any type of loading on my shoulders to now being able to reintroduce some low intensity upper body exercises such as swimming and light weight exercises, which with time will strengthen them more and more.

What I have learned from Brad will benefit me for the rest of my life, and I am really grateful to have had the chance to work with him.”

Jia Bin Bai

Sunshine Coast client 2021

“Brad was a very helpful support figure during a point in my life when I was facing both physical and emotional challenges. He provided me with some useful exercises that helped rehabilitation of my ankle and back issues, and was a grounding supportive presence that helped me gain more clarity and accountability through his mentorship and NLP exercises.
I’m very grateful for the time I spent with Brad.”

Tyson Wallace

Sunshine Coast client 2021 onward

“Brad has helped changed my life in so many positve ways. From the physical rehab work after having my rods removed from my spine to the NLP & ‘Primal Mind’ course that we have done. He goes above and beyond at keeping me accountable and has non-judgmental approach which makes him easy to work with. I’m honesty greatful to have Brad in this life’s journey as a coach I highly recommended him!”

Work With Us!

Primal 6 Phone App

Online programs in the palm of your hand, to reclaim the body and mind of your youth WITHOUT multiple health practitioners, expensive surgeries or breaking the bank!

NDIS Support Services

If you’re looking for a support worker on the Sunshine Coast with the extra skillsets to help educate and improve you or your loved ones health inside and out, read on about Brad Rasmus, owner of Primal Holistic Health.

Primal Seminar

A corporate course designed to simplify the complexities of health and help your team personalise their mindset, movement and nutrition.

Primal Retreat

The ultimate health retreat is in the making right now!
Coming soon to the Sunshine Coast of sunny Queesnland  Australia.

Primal Rebirth

A 90 minute Breathwork session using a cathartic ‘Rebirthing’ style created by Leonard Orr in the 1960’s and taught to Brad through world renowned Psychotherapist and Rebirthing Practitioner of 40 + years, Michael Adamedes.

Primal Coaching

We offer 30-90 min single sessions, as well as 3, 6 and 12 month packages. Choose a coach and determine what services you require!

Primal Breakthrough

A private 4-8 hour NLP Breakthrough super session working on your biggest mindset challenges – followed by a breath session and ice bath to integrate!

Primal Holiday

Employ us to accompany you on your holiday!
Return home feeling healthy and rejuvenated 🙂

Kangen Kartel

Join our Biohacking community called the Kangen Kartel as a customer or fellow business partner with the worlds best ionised water.

Social Tribe


Primal Holistic Health

23 hours 25 minutes ago

I’ve currently got a COLD for the first time in a long time and last night I woke up having a coughathon. My usual go

Primal Holistic Health

1 day 23 hours ago

Take note of when and which teeth bleed if you brush your teeth as it is indicative of potential challenges with other organs in your

Primal Blog

Brad’s Knee Rehab 2022

Brad did some major damage to his knee in January 2022 Mountain Biking. This is documenting of his rehab journey!

Whats Been Happening? – Spring 2021

Whats Been Happening? – Spring 2021

News – December 2021

Primal News – December 2021

Pruvit Keto Reboot – No food for 60 hours?!

60 hours without food all in aiding the process of ‘autophagy’. Brad’ account of the experience using the Pruvit Keto Reboot Kit to enhance the effects.

Pruvit Keto OS Pro – 1 Month Experiment

Brad’s 1 Month Experiment with Pruvit’s Keto OS Pro hybrid protein powder containing Exogenous Ketones, Amino Acids and MCT.

Ketosis in 59min Using Keto OS by Pruvit

This is a summary of the last 16 months since Keto OS came into Brad’s life. His experiment and personal results, customer results examples and feedback, and how you can try it out yourself.

My Ugly Rosacea Face Rash – Learnings PART 2

This is a continuation and update from my first article about The Rash: My Ugly Rosacea Face Rash is Making Me a Better Person, if you'd like to read that first. But it's not essential, as the story and learnings here are huge on their own! The Rash has been with me...

Shed Bodyfat and Increase Your Energy! – Keto Os and Ketosis

If you want to shed or shred bodyfat and increase energy like never before, check out this experiment that I’m doing and join me!

The Effects of Magnesium and Calcium on Blood Quality After Beer and Coffee

This is the most amazing supplement I’ve ever come across. Natural ingredients, safe to use every day and so damn effective in what it does so quickly! Check it out!

How Beer and Coffee Affect Your Blood Quality

Brad and Maz show what effect beer and coffee instantly have on your blood. If you’re a beer and coffee fan, perhaps you shouldn’t watch this…